
We are currently on summer break until September 10. Enrolment for new students is ongoing; please email Kao-Senseo for more information at


to the Kitchener-Waterloo Meibukan Karate Dojo, it is an educational institution teaching traditional Okinawan Meibukan Gojyu-Ryu Karate-do. I trust the training you have under taken or am considering will be both exciting and rewarding, as you and/or your child embrace Karate-do- “the way of karate”. Our teaching style at the dojo is based on this Chinese proverb: "Tell me I will forget, show me I will remember, involve me and I will understand".

At our dojo, instruction is provided in the traditional art of karate, which is viewed as “a way of life”, as well as a method of real life self-defence. This specific style named “Go-Jyu” translates as “Go” meaning hard and “Jyu” meaning soft. Go-Jyu-Ryu is one of the first three styles of karate formally recognized as such. It was the first to be officially named. This style of Karate emphasizes the importance of personal development thru self discipline, honour, integrity, hard work and self defence in a non-competitive, non-sport environment, as opposed to the competitive styles which have proliferated North America. We teach not how to fight but how not to lose.

Karate is an excellent activity for students of all ages. For children and youth it is effective in countering peer pressure and low self-esteem just to name a few. Karate is a means of instilling self-confidence, self- discipline and strength of both mind, body, spirit and instilling a positive sense of being a member of the Meibukai family here and internationally. For adults the benefits are plenty, it improves overall physical and mental health, thru cardiovascular training, flexibility and strength. Karate is a great stress reliever from your day to day work and grinds of life. Finally the benefits of "PSSA" Personal Safety and Situational Awareness which teaches ad empowers a student to take their personal safety into their own hands and should they need to do so defend against an attacker. Through the training one will build confidence and ultimately build ones character and honour to be a good person.

What makes us different from the many other dojos is that we offer authentic Karate directly from the birthplace, Okinawa, Japan. This ensures that what you or your child is being taught is authentic and pure Karate right from the source. Instructors travel to Okinawa and train with the Grand Master Meitatsu Yagi Sensei 10th Dan, and also his sons Akihito and Akihiro Sensei's, on a regular basis to ensure that the curriculum being taught is authentic and pure.

Kao Saechao Sensei has been training in Meibukan Gojyu-Ryu karate for over 20 years, competing in both traditional and sport tournaments. He is a student of traditional Okinawan kobudo (weapons) and pressure point techniques and has a special interest in energy and alternative healing.

Kao Saechao Sensei came to Canada as a three year old refugee after the Vietnam war with is family as part of the "Boat people" being sponsored by the Central Mennonite Committee in Waterloo Region. He was raised in the Kitchener-Waterloo community and went to high school at Bluevale Collegiate, then graduated from the Univeristy of Waterloo. He has many ties with various volunteer organizations, such as the Chicopee Ski Club and Resort as a member of the Canadian Ski Patrol, A level 2 Snowboard instructor with the Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors (CASI) a member of the organizing committee as the Logistics Coordinator at the Kitchener-Waterloo Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk, participating in the yearly MS Bike Tour cycling from Grand Bend to London raising funds for research and finding a cure for MS and through his work with at risk youth in the community. His desire is to give back to the community through the sharing of his passion for the Traditional Okinawan Karate style of Go Jyu-Ryu. The ultimate goal for Sensei Kao is to see his student's progress not only as martial artist, but to cultivate the character of all his students in becoming good contributing memebers in our community.

A quote that Kao Sensei holds dear to him is from our Master Dai Sensei Yagi Meitoku founder of Meibukan, “Do not put your main purpose in mastering Karate techniques themselves, you should instead study the way of life through Karate.”

I trust your training will be fun, fulfilling and I look forward to welcoming you to the family of Meibukai.

Sensei Kao Saechao
Chief Instructor