

English Japanese
One Ich
Two Ni
Three San
Four Shi / Yon
Five Go
Six Roku
Seven Shichi / Nana
Eight Hachi
Nine Ku / Kyuu
Ten Ju / Juu
Eleven Ju-Ichi
Twelve Ju-Ni
Twenty Ni-Ju


English Japanese
Please; Please Help Me Onegai Shimasu
Thank You Arigato Gozamashita
Excuse Me Sumimasen
Good Morning (Hello) Ohayo Gozaimasu
Good Afternoon (Hello) Konnichiwa
Good Evening (Hello) Konbanwa
Good Bye Sayonara
Begin Hajime
Stop Yame
Focus Kime
Line Up Seiretsu
Ready; Open Yoi
Move Back Ippo Ato
Move Forward Ippo Mae
Turn Mawate
Upper Jodan
Middle Chudan
Lower Gedan
Strike; Punch Tsuki
Block Uke
Kick keri
Knifehand Shuto
Reverse Gyaku
Bow (Respect/Courtesy) Rei
Beginning; Opening Kihon
Ending; Closing Heishu
Right Migi
Left Hidari
Sparring (meeting of hands) Kumite
26 Step Sparring / Continuous Renzoku Kumite
5 Man Sparring / Surrounded Kakomi Kumite
1 Step Block And Counter Ippon Kumite
2 Attacks, 2 Blocks And Counter Nihon Kumite
Weapons (ancient martial art) Kubudo

Opening of Class:

Standing in Musubidachi (Heels together and toes apart - or for little samurais the Pizza stance) entire class says:

Onegai Shimasu - Please teach me, please help me

Then Sensei will say the following:

Seizan (for little samurais, samurai stance) - kneeling with shins on ground with rear end sitting on heals.

Senior student will state the following:

Mokuso - Meditate – Breath deeply 6 times in through the nose out through the mouth filling your diaphragm. Focus on clearing your mind being in the here and now for Karate class.

Mokuso Yame – stop meditating

Sho man e rei - Bow to the Shrine

Sensei Ni tash rei - Bow to Sensei

Oh to guy ni rei - Bow to the senior student.

Entire class turns to Sensei and all karateka stand in order of Highest rank to lowest rank.

Closing of Class:

Then Sensei will say the following:

Seizan (for little samurais, samurai stance) - kneeling with shins on ground with rear end sitting on heals.

Senior student will state the following:

Mokuso - Meditate - Breath deeply 6 times in through the nose out through the mouth filling your diaphragm. Focus on something you learned today in class.

Mokuso Yame – stop meditating.

Sho man e rei - Bow to the Shrine

Sensei Ni tash rei - Bow to Sensei

Oh to guy ni Waka rei - Bow to the senior student.

Entire class turns to Sensei and all karateka stand with Highest rank to lowest rank.

Standing in Musubidachi (Heels together toes apart or for little samurais Pizza stance) entire class says:

Arigato Gozamashita - Thank you for teaching me, helping me.


Walking Basics Terminology

Count by threes, Ichi, Ni, San. 3 Sets, Kiai on every 3rd count.

Walking Basics Strikes: Tsuki

High punch- Jodan Tsuki going forward. 
Stepping backwards, High Block-Jodan Uke

Middle punch- Chudan Tsuki going forward.
Stepping backwards, middle block- Chudan uke

Low punch- Gedan Tsuki going forward
Stepping backwards, low block- Gei dan uke

Knife hand- Shuto going forward
Stepping backwards, shuto block- side inverted forearm blocking neck and temple.

Reverse Knife hand- Gyaku shuto going forward
Stepping backwards with shuto block- side inverted forearm block neck and temple.

Walking Basics Kicks- Geri

Announce the technique then say Yoi- ready or open position with right leg back.

Complete your set of threes and then command everyone to turn- with command Mawate

Middle Front kick- Chudan Mae Geri finish the 3rd set and Mawate and continue on kicking middle all the way back, 3 sets, mawate and then state yame.

High Front kick- Jodan Mae Geri, finish the 3rd set and Mawate and continue on kicking middle all the way back, 3 sets, mawate and then state yame.

Knee stomp- Soto Geri, finish the 3rd set and Mawate and continue on kicking middle all the way back, 3 sets, mawate and then state yame.



Jodan-4 techniques
1-Jo dan Uchi uke uchi = inside
2-Hijiate elbow
3-Sokozuki soko= bottom
4-Ashi Tori ashi=legs tori=catch

Chudan-5 techniques
1-Chu dan Uchi uke
2-Soto uke soto= outside
3-Ku zuki ku=air
4-Osae zuki Osae= push on backhand and palm
5-Osae geri

Ge dan-4 techniques
1-Ge dan Uchiuke
2-Soto uke
3-Ai Zuki ai=meet/same time

How to Put on your Do Gi (karate uniform)


1. Put on your Do Gi top like you would a jacket.

2. Ensure your right side flap is folded towards your left side first and tie the strings that are attached together.

3. Then fold your left side flap to your right side tying the strings together.

4. The end result is that your left side flap should be on the outside.



How to tie your belt


Your Belt is called an “Obi”.

The ends of your belt are called the “tangs”.

Your Karate uniform is called a “Do Gi”.

Notes: remember this saying “right over left and under both belts, Left over right under one belt”. The ends of your belt should be equal length. Your tag on your belt should now be on the right side of your body, on the same side as your “do gi” label. The “mouth” on your knot should be on the left side of your body, signifying that your heart is always open to learning.